Monday, August 24, 2009

Back to the Good 'ole Days

Well my roommate and I were listening to youtube videos. Music from Jr. High Days. Also "The Rye was found" come to find out you can get it at Jewel! Also we have seen it at Whole Foods. This is a follow-up to the previous post if anyone is confused!

So fun...

The other 6 weeks of my life has involved lots of fun here in the city and sometime at home in Roanoke area. Summer is now a thing of the past. I started classes today with an 8:15 Monday Social Work policy class (I may have to start drinking coffee). Tonight was a 6-9:30 Health Care Ethics class <-- that one should be an interesting class. Similar to my last semester's Philosophy class.

Wednesday I will be taking Graduate level classes!! Crazy huh... I'm growing up (or so my dad would yell as I am getting on the train to go back to Chicago, or maybe he did yell that yesterday as I was getting on the train to come back to the city :)

I also will be starting my internship at a location called Teen Living. (you can check it out on the net if you are bored <-- real original right :) ) I start Sept 1st (Happy Birthday Landon)

I will be staying with Brian but my other 2 babysitting jobs are not going to work out. This week is the last week I will be with Nick but I will definitely visit when I can. Marion's I finished our weekly visits last week.

So my schedule this semester (for Rachel mostly :), I will have to get you another color coated calendar):

Monday: 8:15-10:45 class
11:00-6:30 work with Little "B"
7:00-9:30 Class
10:00-6:00 Internship
Wednesday: 11:30-2:00 Class
3:30-6:30 Project Education Plus possibly (the after school program)
7:00-9:30 Class
Friday: 9:00-> work with Little "B"

Other news: Joe has a new roommate. Mark. <-- he is from Mackinaw so it is fun to be able to talk to someone from home area. He also knows how to make SUSHI and other fun foods. Good job Mark.

I am sure there is tons of stuff to catch up on but that just makes for a long post

Training for the 1/2 marathon on Sept 13.

ok that is all I have, I know. I know. 6 or 7 weeks of my life and this is all I got. ha Sorry!


Rachel Monfette said...

Thank you for the schedule post.... now I can always "remember" where you are. hahahahahha. Could you post one of my schedule now??

Unknown said...

oh girl how i miss you! half marathon huh? pretty exciting! always wanted to do that. sounds like you are doing good. :)