Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Weekly update

Short and sweet.

I am going to be in Leo this summer! I am going to be living with Jeff and Tina Schumacher and their family. I am looking forward to that time. I will be working along side Charla in counseling but also may become familiar with other aspects of the program including foster care, adoption, home visiting.

Roommate - Maggie Schenk is going to be living with me next year. I'm excited! I have two potential sub-leasers for the summer and if those 2 don't work I have another option.

CORI CAME TO VISIT. This past weekend was great. Cori and I enjoyed relaxing and little "B" time on Thursday and Friday. Thursday night we helped make Tortilla's which didn't work out perfect due to using baking soda verse baking powder (or the other way... I don't remember either way they tasted more like pretzels and didn't rise quite right always next time). Then Friday morning we took Joe to the airport (he headed off to visit friends in Connecticut). That was fun a 4:45 run to 7-11 got us up and awake. The cashier wished us a "good night". That is when you know you are up to early (we already had our night...).

Anyway Friday was beautiful (almost 70 t-shirt, flip flop weather) followed by Sat. snow. Sat Cori took me down to Central Illinois, got to have breakfast with my Grandma! I left my phone in Chicago (it was interesting living without it, I didn't realize what life was like before cell phone, you had to actually plan ahead :) )

Now back to the city. Rachel left yesterday for the week. Her sister is getting married (we went shopping and found some great shoes, ear rings, and a fun purse - she will be set.)

Egg dying and cookies with the kids that could be it's own post... we will see how this days goes. (Maybe I will get time for another more thoughtful post. don't count on it)

Off to more classes I go. (warning this was not proofed so take it for what was meant not necessarily what was typed.)

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