Friday, October 29, 2010

update on the month

a few of the adventures this past month's journey included...
- my aunt Donita came up to visit - she herself is a social worker and it was great to get a chance to hash over some of the clinical stuff. She went to a few of classes with me which was really fun to share that with her.
- my good friends Natalie, Bethany, and Traci all came in one weekend. It was so much fun. we went to this great ice cream place and just enjoyed each other's company. That weekend was also the Chicago marathon - a few of my good friends ran it - this year it was pretty hard due to the hot weather. Joe brought home some good stories :).
- I had one week that was almost completely free - 2 days off with Cameron and 2 days of school off. I didn't really do much but enjoyed every moment of the relaxing time.
- got together with my good friend Marcy in Geneva a few Tuesday nights (she was up in Dekalb auditing but now is finished! good for her - sad for me)
- ah!!! my Detroit 1/2 marathon :) best run I have run yet! It was perfect weather. Beautiful route - we crossed the bridge into Canada while the sun was rising - I enjoyed it enough I am considering doing the full Chicago Marathon next year... I went out with my cousins David and Traci and got to stay and see briefly my friends Amber, Joel, and Liam!
- last weekend was great. got to spend some time with my friend (not roommate anymore) Rachel - tastee freeze - yum! and Sunday enjoyed spending time catching up with my friend Cori and neighbor Natalie made supper :)

in general - baby is doing better. still only 30 minute naps but I know the Lord won't push me too far so I keep trusting in Him when I get frustrated. I have a run with Natalie next weekend (my mom, uncle, sister, and brother are coming)- hot chocolate 15K. Loving my roommate Maggie - we have so much fun (or at least I think we do) Looking forward to seeing some crazy costumes this weekend in the city. ok time to sleep.

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