Monday, January 31, 2011

Almost February, I know...

So how do I catch up from Nov till now???

Started my last semester in School. (Ending on March 14th at 6:30 - Graduation!!!). Kind of crazy to think about.

Loving living here in Chicago - My roommate Maggie and I are getting along just great. She is such a blessing and safe place in my life. Two of my friends recently (well since I last blogged) moved about a mile away (Caleb and Livy Zobrist). I have had some fun times with them - including some crazy x-box game that doesn't have controllers but reads your body movements - visit to Molly's cupcakes. Scarey Halloween movie. and a few trips back and forth from the central illinois. Caleb was looking at moving to Chicago when I first moved up in '08. It didn't work out then but it is incredible to see how God works and has brought them up here now. Livy is a good friend of mine from elementary school and since.

Maggie and I are exploring the city and the States. In December, we were able to visit Phoenix which was a great time for both of us. We got to see all our good friends in that area (Maggie had worked out there for a few months when she was a traveling nurse). We are working on visiting the top 15 cafes in the city and have been enjoying some great brunch places on the weekends.

New years came and went this year - I did go see the fireworks here in Chicago. (although I was not happy they were so late. Really 10:00 pm would have been much better than midnight : ) ). I had a few wonderful girls from central illinois in the area which was such a blessing that weekend (Polly, Lisa, Alyssa, Jenna, and Leah - they stayed in a hotel not my apt).

Bears did not make the Super bowl - big surprise - I really thought they might though this year "welp. There is always next year :)"

My sweet friends Dani and Daniel were here from Texas for the weekend. It was wonderful to get a chance to catch up with them (sometimes I wonder why God connects us with people so wonderful but SO far away :( )

Tomorrow... I am going to be signing up for the marathon here in Chicago! I am going to be partnering with a local church and raising funds for world vision. Check later for a link and you can challenge me in my training and possibly donate yourself. This is an opportunity I have been praying for. Running has been a wonderful opportunity for me in many ways. I have had the chance to run socially which is great. Also have watched my dad start running and been encouraged by his disciple and hope to some day run a 5K with him. Also it is a time for me to spend with the Lord and in the quit of Chicago along the lake or other places in the US (California, Florida, Phoenix, Wisconsin, Michigan, Indiana all places I have enjoyed runs - not races necessarily). Also this summer running was a part of my ministry with the girls and also I am looking at running with "Back on my Feet" when the weather gets warmer - which is an association which runs with those who find themselves homeless for a season and works on getting them "back on their feet" through job training and awareness. who knew someday running would be such a big part of my life.

well I'll let this be the update for now and try to keep up a little better. Snow storm on the way and then on Friday I head up to the north pole!! For real :) I'm going to see Santa Clause - also going to see my friend Val (whose real address is the north pole a little south of Fairbanks Alaska)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You are so wonderful and so far away!! but woohoo for random times of getting to see each other haha