Friday, September 16, 2011

Settling In...

SO I am moved to Leo, IN. I have changed my driver's license and gotten a license plate on a car (which I haven't owned a car in like 3 years!!)IT'S OFFICIAL. I passed the written driving test and finally got everything to change over the title - thanks to my cousins I didn't breakdown at the driver's place because of a "few bumps".

work... I am loving it. I am working with families in a home based program where I am going out into people's homes and trying to support families and help in reflecting on valuable parenting skills and life skills. I am also working wtih adoption. I have worked with 3 families so far and have loved them so much! Their stories are all so unique; I am looking forward to writing a homestudy in the next few weeks (which is pretty much like a 10 page biography on a family)

socially... I am so blessed. I jumped right into feeling at home here. I enjoy my roommate although haven't seen much of her the past 2 days. I have been babysitting for friends and spending a lot of time with friends and family out here. The challenge is not to crowd the Lord out as Satan would love me to do TOO MUCH (even if it is all good things)

running... it has been great to see how God is using this for His glory. I am feeling the sunlight coming later in the morning but have been able to stay on top of my runs and enjoy the crisp mornings. I have been enjoying running with a few friends here in Leo, Biking with a friend, and running with my cousin's dog :). Even this evening someone asked if I would want to bike with them sometime this coming week. It is interesting to see how exercising can be contagious and I am excited for that.

Visiting the City - I am looking forward to leaving for Chicago tomorrow morning. It is time for the dreaded 20 miler so I am going back to the Lake to run it. I am looking forward to the farmiliar chicago skyline and the fellow runners and bikers on the trail.

speaking of running. Another reminder that I would love it if you want to support me in my run by donating to As Our Own (

And here is the site to donate --->


Daveana said...

Kaitlyn! I'm so glad you're here in Leo as well! It's going to be so much fun hanging out with you! Have a great run!

Sara said...

Aww...good to hear an update! I'm so proud of you and your training! Praying for ya!