Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Junior High Girl's Camp was this past weekend. The theme was "Swept Away by Jesus": we were the Mr. Clean Cabin! It was so good to be surrounded by Christians and youth and not the big city. I didn't wear shoes starting Wednesday night till Sunday. Man I miss that part of the country. (Although when I went on a jog yesterday my feet really hurt afterwards?..). Highlights of Camp...

1) The Worship (including but not limited to singing) I miss guitar singing every week...
2) Our Cabin Girls ROCKED. They were loving the speakers and seemed to really have open hearts to modesty and loving God and Choosing Him when making decisions. Also the girls did a great job of including each other!
3) The Food! Camp Food Rocks, pretty sure we were fed almost every 3 hours.
4) The lake and the Beautiful weather. We took the 90 + girls out to Norris (Herman's Lake) for a few ours on Friday. It was beautiful.

Well that is a small taste of camp life. Otherwise. Sunday was Kyra and Morgan's wedding. Beautiful day. I really appreciated their focus on Christ through the service. I have to admit seeing my friends from Phoenix and California was truly my highlight of Sunday. I just love Friends :)

Scott and Neal endured another ride up with me. This time I was exhausted for the weekend... but... they didn't make me walk so. Thanks boys.

Monday was work and catch-up day for Rach, Joe, and I. Yesterday was Grocery day. Joe came with us. His first Aldi experience (in the city at least) and first Stanley's experience.

Well I think that is it for now. I can't find my camera... I think I might have lost it a Girl's Camp. Sad, so spread the word if any one finds my red camera :). Next week I am teaching, with Betty, VBS for the pre-school age kids. Should be fun times. I am looking forward to it.

That's All Folks.

1 comment:

Caitlin Long said...

sounds like you've been having fun! are you also doing high school girl's camp? miss you :]