Saturday, January 24, 2009


Life has been so crazy the last week. I had the opportunity to go to Washington DC on Tuesday. There was a group of 7 of us that rented a van. Left on Monday around 2:30pm. Got into DC around 4:30 am on Tuesday. We had to wait in line to get past a security check point til about 2:15 pm. (yes 10 hours of no food, drink, bathrooms, and 24 degree weather. not to mention the 7,000 + people with me.)

It was all worth it in the end though. We got to see the president and first lady very close in the parade. I also was able to get a few good pictures of the capitol building. I am hoping to go back again and see the buildings on the mall area. This was my first Washington DC experience, but I sure hope it isn't the last! :)

We headed home around 4:30 pm and got home 4:30 am on Wednesday. The rest of the week was spent catching up and keeping my head above water in school and rehydrating myself. By Thursday I felt fine but had TONS of homework.

Now I am at one of my friend's house, they are out of town, so I am able to really focus on my homework. So I am going to head out for now but will try to add some pictures later. FYI: If you see any pictures of my green stocking hat on CNN, let me know :) JK


megs said...

ten hours without water OR a bathroom for you?? is that some sort of record?? :) hopefully i can come see you in a few weeks!! YAY!!!

Anonymous said...

So I didn't really pay attention to the title until I started ready. You REALLY did GO and SEE the inauguration!! I bet it was awesome to be a part of this amazing history that happened!!! Wow! Your adventurous spirit amazes me. I was perfectly content to sit home and watch the happens on tv. Without dehydrating myself or causing permanent damage to my bladder!!! Post pictures soon- I'd love to see them!

Anonymous said...

That is so exciting you got to go! I can't wait to see some pics!!