Monday, September 8, 2008

First Blogging Experience.

So. I always said I would never have a blog and here I am starting one.

I am current a full time student at Loyola University in downtown Chicago. Crazy. I never imagined God would bring me here, but then there have been many experiences God has brought me to and through in my life.

School is going good. I have a lot of classes that are looking at politics and then a class about Philosophy of law. Very different studying compared to my Sign Language at ICC. So far, so good though.

Residency: you should all come up and see me and my great room mate when ever you can. My room mate is Rachel Monfette. She graduated from Moody Bible Institute this past spring and is now working there full time. She is such a blessing. I did not know her very well, (met her maybe twice) but we get along so well (at least for the 4 days we have lived together). I moved all my stuff in yesterday. My dad and all my wonderful siblings and all my stuff (which included our dining room table and 2 chairs) squeezed into a minivan. Claire got to sit in the middle of the captain seats. We tried to make her a comfy seat but apparently it didn't work. After we got everything unloaded we went out to eat. Scott and Neal came up to the city and helped me move in and went out to eat with us. Then Scott headed to New Jersey (hope he made his flight).

Location: Our apartment is very close to Moody on Superior and La Salle. This is also close to school for me. I mainly go to the downtown school which is a 7 minute walk, but do go to the North Shore campus 2 times a week which includes traveling on the red line for about 45 minutes. Our apartment is in a fun little 4 story building with a flower shop on the courner. It is pretty quiet around here except in the nights they are doing construction on the building next to us. It sounds like they are shattering pounds of glass into a dumpster. We don't really know what they are doing, but it is really loud.

Previously: I started out, my first week of school, living with Boyd and Lois Metzger, they are from Chicago church. I had the best time with them. Such an hospitable couple. Lois took me with her nephew, Darin to the Shed Aquarium one day and one day we went to the beach. Then on Thursday, Maggie came into town and we went to a few fun museums, Chicago Cultural Museum, The Art Museum, and a fun little Cafe' for lunch. Friday Julie Herold came into town and we went to a fun little pastry shop and shared a fruit/blueberry tart.

Well I am going to let this be all for now, although I do have some good stories from my travels home this past weekend. I will save them for later though. That's all for now...


Anonymous said...

Welcome to the world of blogging! It was good to get a mini update! Can't wait to sit and talk! I'm so glad your transition is going good! Praise God!! I love you!

andrew k said...

Nice blog Kaitlyn!

Sounds like you're getting used to Chicago pretty well.
How're your classes? What are the political ones you're taking? I took a political science class my first semester at ASU all those years ago - it was really interesting. The professor did a really good job not showing a liberal (or any other) bias which I really appreciated. It's so easy to have a liberal bias, which annoys me, but I wouldn't have appreciated a conservative bias either cause then I feel like he's patronizing me or something. I don't like talking to people who have the same political leanings as me - it seems boring somehow.

Do you have a favorite thing about living in Chicago so far?

Hope you have a great week!

Sara said...

Kaits!!! Yay! I'm so glad you started one of i can know everything thats going on with you--maybe! I'm so thrilled to hear its all going great...Praise Jesus! It was absolutely marvellous spending some time with you this past weekend too! I cant wait to come up and visit! LOVE you lots!

Anonymous said...

Kaits! I can't wait to come up and visit you in a couple weeks. You make it sound so exciting!