Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Lots of Homework

so last night I told myself, well and Rachel and Joe :), I need to be doing my homework. I even had it out. Well I did a little but not enough.

Today was full of homework. It was a beautiful day. It is starting to take on the fall weather. It has that chill in the wind. It was refreshing though. Went to class. Came home and did a little exercising and have been studying (with a few interruptions, thanks Megs :) )since 1:30 ish. I have a paper for tonight. Group project for tomorrow morning, and a Midterm tomorrow night.

I did get a call about Thursday and that is a go. I will be babysitting and I get to take the cab to their house (that will be a new transportational experience). Also I got a call about doing some after school tutoring and I will start doing that in a few weeks on Tuesday and Thursdays from 2:30-4:30 in Albany Park. Albany Park is a very diverse neighborhood and I am looking forward to the experience. Also got a call about an ongoing babysitting job every Wednesday at the least. I am meeting with the family Saturday. Life will start to get a little busier. Maybe :)

Rachel is out getting groceries. liz drove her out so we can get them at a better price. I can't wait for some good food, although I enjoyed my shells and cheese for supper tonight. Thanks Rachel and Liz.

ok. well back to midterm studying and I need to proof read my paper one more time.

1 comment:

Katie May said...

aww, your in chicago!
and you have a blog! who knew?!

anyway, sounds like your keeping yourself busy on that side of the border.

i'm totally gonna be a constant reader of your blog from now on. :D