Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I am blogging from MY computer.

My cousins Traci and David gave me one of their laptops. Thank you guys so much. I love it! Such a blessing.

Well I have class in about an hour but I thought I would take a break and bring you all up to speed :). Sunday was a beautiful wedding. check out Heidi Knapp's blog for pictures. (it is one of my connected blogs on the side). I got to carry a tray of coffee cups (glass mind you) while Elise Pfaffman poured them for me. Good arm exercising.

Sunday afternoon I got to go see my "Grandma" Doris, she is technically by blood not related BUT in heart and otherwise her and my "Grandps" Jim are a wonderful set of Grandparents.

GOD STORY. PRAYER TESTIMONY: About 5 weeks ago today she had a stroke, or something. Grandpa took her straight to the hospital. She was unresponsive for at least 8 days. They were draining blood from her brain the whole time. When I went to Chicago she they had just put the trachea in. At that point she started to get better but slowly no one knew if she would wake up and if she did what kind of damage her brain had endured. Well she came home Saturday after many long weeks in the hospital!!!! I went over to see her and she was walking and knew me and remembered that I had stayed at Boyd and Lois's and asked how that was. It is truly a miracle!

Sunday night I got to go to a Young Group family picnic at Wayne and Julie Leman's (and Heather, Travis, and Ryan's) :). It was so good to see all my friends. I love my home!

Sunday night I went back with David and Traci to Valpo and got into the city and went home and .... it really was good to back.

Last night was so much fun. I GOT TO VACUUM our apt. It had not been vacuumed since we moved in because we were waiting for it to get shampooed and we didn't have a vacuum. I had to borrow one from our great neighbor Joe! Although, I almost got done and it stopped working. I thought I had broke it, which would have been really bad because it was actually Joe's room mate's , not good. But about 30 minutes later it turned on. Last night some friends of Rachel's (now my friends too. I think) came over.

Today was another beautiful day. I got to spend the afternoon with Lois and a lady named Peggy. She is physically handicap but has a wonderful sense of humor and good spirits. We got to watch her and her husband's wedding which was 3 years ago (they are probably about 65 now). It was so precious to see them. It reminded me of the way God uses people in so many different ways.

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