I will get you more up to date maybe Wednesday. I have a busy day tomorrow.
midterm studying still. (ONE MORE)
oh yeah and a paper (just need a few more tweeks.
No posting tomorrow... Sorry.
On the train again. Thanks to David and Traci, I can type my papers, write blogs, or do anything on the computer. It has been very very appreciated.
Yesterday. It was a good day. I got to babysit Brain (9:30-4:00), tutored Nickolas (4:45-6:15), went to class (7:00-9:30). I even had enough time to get to the different locations. Although on the way to Nick's, I realized I forgot my map. It did take about double the time, but I was still there right at 4:45. Also for class I was about 5 minutes late, but the teacher hadn't started..
WHY DO PEOPLE SMOKE. In my night class, there was this guy that I sat by. He smelled when I sat down then at break he smoked and it reeked! Yuck... I literally did not breathe out of my nose for about 45 minutes then I put my hand up to block the smell after the 45 minutes. But I did learn about some interesting court trials in class. :)
Today I had my midterm for Philosophy. Ahhh.... it was one essay question. It took me a good 40 + minutes to even read the whole thing and try to understand it. But I feel I gave a complete answer and referenced a few of the different theories we discussed in class.
After class I headed out for my first sign-language interpreting assignment. It will be good to have a few of those under my belt. Due to the strict confidentiality code I can't post much about it. But this one went really well. I will be doing another one on Tuesday! Fun times, I really enjoy my signing skills. Although they have a long way to improve!
And now. I am on my way to Pontiac. My grandma will pick me up. She is going to drop me off at ISU and then I will catch a ride with Sara to Roanoke and start a busy weekend. Should be fun though. Good thing Grandma is bringing me food 'cause I am hungry.